Thursday, October 9, 2008

What Are They Up To?

I thinks it's an absolute blessing, that sometimes...
I can't seem to find my husband and my daughter.

Our house isn't THAT big, and it's not that I mean I don't LIKE that I can't find them,
but when they're gone, I know that wherever they are, they're having a great time together! I admit that when I have some time to myself I truly cherish those quiet moments for just "me" and yet at the same time, I can't help but wonder what fun I'm missing out on. So, in my effort to try and give them their space while embracing my own, I put off my curiosity of what they might be up to.
And then there are times, when I just can't help myself. It's just too quiet... and I need to know what's going on! Because deep down, I know where ever they are...
they're havin' a good time!

One time, I found them reading a book in the hallway on the stairs.

And then last night, while I was on the computer in the living room, I hear Matt calmly requesting my presence to the bathroom because...

Ava decided that while flossing her teeth...

She'd give herself a li'l ride on Daddy!

1 comment:

amy said...

Hi Jen! That is really sweet. I love daddies and their little girls!