Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm learning that viewing life through the eyes of Ava is far more interesting and compassionate, and sincere, and all things pure. Just the way God intended us to view the world. Through the eyes of a child. Here are some examples of that view. From where she sits... the world is pretty AMAZING!

Matt and Ava go on a walk every night together. They have their usual route. Well, on this particular route, there is a rusty old truck. When Ava first laid eyes on it she said,

"Ohhhh, Daddy. OUCHIE TRUCK."

Daddy then explained that yes, indeed the truck has "ouchies."

I love her compassion.

We went to the zoo recently and she was amazed at all the animals. Ava was really starting to participate in the fun of being at the zoo. I just sat back at this moment, watching her gaze as the walrus' paraded back and forth. She kept saying,

"Oooh, dey hab wiskas."

I love her wonder.

We went to the pumpkin patch and had a chance to go through the corn maze. She noticed Daddy looking at the map and wanted to help. As she walked she was determined to help us find our way. She said,

"Where go?!"

I love her determination, bravery and sense of adventure.

There are so many other beautiful things about my daughter that I wish I could share. Ones that I know, you as a parent, can relate to. It's inspiring to try and be child-like in our every day lives. And yet, it's a constant challenge at the same time. I endeavor to be more like Ava in my days, weeks, months, and even years to come.


Joy said...

Thanks for sharing! I know what you mean. As we get older, we start collecting stuff that causes our hearts to be heavy. So we end up viewing life and the world differently. I'm just thankful that as we grow in the Lord, He strips us of those things and helps us see things how He sees it--like a child. We can go back to seeing people with compassion rather than criticism and judgement; being friendly and loving like children are rather than cold afraid to open up; and but of course, having faith like a child again not doubting God because of all the disappoiontments and hurts we've encountered from other people. You're awesome Jen! Can't wait to see you next week!

Stacy said...

Great post, Jen! Love those cute pictures of Ava and her precious words! :)


Rachel Ann said...


Welcome to fun to see you writing a blog (watch out it is addicting)!
