Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Matt has been encouraging me to put together a "dictionary" of sorts... of all the adorable ways our li'l Ava speaks to us. She tries so hard, to say the right things at the right time.
Here are a few of our favorites:

"OGO Bar"
Translation: Granola Bar

"Pee Juice"
Translation: Peach Iced Tea Crystal Light
(mixed with water)

"Oooh, Swees Me!"
Translation: "Oh, Excuse Me!
(usually said right after she farts)

"HEY, MATT! Where are ya?!"
Translation: "Hey you! Where are you?!"
(she calls for "MATT" even when trying to get me)

Translation: Medicine
(or any brightly colored liquid in a bottle)

"Hold It Cheese"
Translation: A Slice of Cheddar Cheese
(she can "hold")

"Ice Cweeem"
Translation: Yogurt
(but it still means the other sweet stuff too)

"I Numb You."
Translation: Oh, my favorite of all...
"I love you."


Rebecca M said...

I love this- Our kiddos have their own little language that they speak but sadly it doesn't last! They learn to say "animals" instead of "aminals" and "relish" instead of "pickle crumbs" way too fast. ( Wasn't intending on rhyming there...) Sweet little girl! How old is she, Jen? How fun that you are blogging!

Rachel Ann said...

I love these...especially the "pee juice"!!!

Great for a scrapbook page

The Judge Family said...

That is so adorable! I'm glad you've started your "dictionary" - it will be bitter sweet when it starts to change.