Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Stop, Drop, and Rrrr... PRAY?

"So when the Lord saw that he had caught Moses' attention, God called to him from the [burning] bush, 'Moses! Moses!' 'Here I am!' Moses replied. 'Do not come any closer,' God told him. 'Take off your sandles, for you are standing on holy ground.'" (Exodus 3:4-5)

So many times I see little fires in my life that need to be put out. I forget that maybe... just maybe... that li'l fire is meant to get my attention. Once captured, I need to remember to stop and wait to hear God's voice speak to me. To drop to my knees because I am on Holy ground. I don't wait and listen to the Lord as much as I should. I tend to try and fix the problem myself. You know the old addage, "Putting out li'l fires" all the live long day. This is a great reminder to not be so quick to put out that fire. To just take off my shoes and just wait and listen. Funny thought... if I take off my shoes... then I guess I'm less apt to go anywhere! I have to stay put! Hmmm... never thought of that before.

So I'm going to try! I'm going to attempt to Stop, Drop, and Pray more in my life! Although. I will say. The picture above was one of my "li'l fires" I needed to put out today. Wink Wink. I admit... I didn't stop, drop, and pray at that point. No! I told her to "Stay put, so mommy can take a picture!" And then proceeded to discipline her for getting into the cupboard! SIGH. I'll figure it out eventually: which fires I'm meant to put out right away... and which ones are just meant to keep on burnin'.